Sunday, March 9, 2008


I think that the movie Juno focused more on teen pregnancy and how to deal with the emotions that go along with it. I think that people might look at the movie and think that it viewed teen pregnancy in a "fun" way but in my opinion, that's only because the movie didn't really focus on her life in high school and people finding out about Juno being pregnant. I like the view this movie took on teen pregnancy because most movies, books, etc always show the, I guess you can say, "negative" side of the pregnancy which involves school and friends. Juno showed her decision making in whether or not to keep the baby and the negative sides to each of those things, it showed her relationship with the baby's dad, it showed her relationship with the adoptive parents. By showing all of these different aspects, it opened my eyes to a lot of new situations that teen pregnancy would have to deal with.

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